- Onsite Services
- Transformer Refurbishment
AN ISO 9001 : 2008 Company -Transformer Manufacturer
Tate Electricals offers a plethora of services to the owners and several operators of the distribution transformer. We offer optimal system performance, efficacy, and security with pre-emptive services and maintenance for your transformer.
Each of the transformer services accorded by us improves every minute aspect of the system’s reliability, it helps recognize the signs of an impending failure with stringent analysis of the various records and identifying trends or unusual behavior.
At Tate Electricals, we offer Turnkey Service and Solutions for various Transformer service activities and have deployed with highly engineered power with the latest technology, bespoke mechanism, and heightened safety measures to offer various service that defines performance. Each distribution transformer involves pivotal task time and on to ensure desirable and necessary installations, movement and re-locations are conducted for both preventative maintenance activities and maintaining the upkeep parameters of the transformer. A power transformer requires various routine maintenance tasks including expertise management and testing of different parameters of the transformer. Likewise, various phase transformers demand a systematic life assessment monitoring, LV and HV testing and checking of the redundant equipment and more.
These Service activities are essential and mandatory to maintain the operational and functional performance of your transformers.
Scheduled Transformer service management is required to maintain various functionalities to ensure a high level of performance by the transformer. The routine management services include such as re-gaskets, gauge replacement, OLTC maintenance, repairing of leaks, repairing the transformer, unit-repairing, upgrading, consultation services, and many more.
Our expert engineers and technical experts conduct ongoing efficiency tests of electrical systems that demand proper analysis, interpretation, and services.
Proficient and skilled field technicians offer complete service management to ensure the reliable operation of new and existing transformers. Using similar technologies and techniques mentioned above, these qualified technicians compare the results against baseline measurements and determines the overall transformer health.
Most of the transformers over time do tend to develop minor and major issues that need immediate attention and preventive measures- which happens if there are a regular check, audit, and inspection of the transformers. These tests are conducted using oil testing methods and general inspection technologies.
Our Team comprising of transformer experts helps device strategic maintenance schedule and plan that they can execute regularly without fail and records each visit with a checklist to prevent any mishap and ensure continuity of the transformer service. This brings down the downtime and saves the total rewind ours that transformers usually demand.
Our onsite transformer repair team offers a wide-ranging work portfolio including industries, factories, offshore vessels, military base, Commercial and residential segment, Network and IT to name a few. Each team member is highly qualified and trained in the installation, overhauling, repairing testing, and maintenance of various transformers.
We aim to offer turnkey service solutions driven by efficient, effective, and technology-driven service onsite.
Onsite transformer repair
Our team of expert transformer engineers and technicians visits our client’s site to remove the transformer that needs one of the phases to be reversed. Our turnaround time is the best and we ensure production is up and running within time offering the highest delivery.
When the end-of-life period is approaching for your transformer, the traditional option is to replace it with a new product.Likewise with the aged transformers there is a high potential for the failure rate of transformers to increase and also create an increased demand for replacement of the aged transformers.But alternately, there is an option for complete refurbishment of your aged transformer which is cost effective by 30%-50% depending on the configuration of your transformer versus to a new transformer. The lead time also could be reduced to almost 50%.
Boost your Transformer’s life
Evolve with Technology and power
Gain confidence with consistency
Deliver ‘in the moment service’
We are who we say – TATE Consultancy ………………
We NEVER overpromise and UNDER deliver
Tate Electrical team offers smart and effective transformer refurbishment of both Oil-filled transformers and distribution transformers. They are trained to handle power ratings and voltage with vast knowledge about replacement, substituting with a new product, and similarly replacement of transformers that arises from various operating environments.
Our team of Expert and proficient engineers bring with them years of expertise in design, installation, manufacturing, commissioning, and high- level refurbishment of power transformers.
Each onsite testing’s, inspection and repair work is much less compared to the cost involved in bringing and returning your transformer to and from the workshop[ the charges involved in transporting also can increase if the location of the transformer is far off from the workshop or at a remote site, where even crane age may be tough to source]
Post refurbishment assessment- A detailed inspection and assessment are conducted by our specialist using high volt testing’ and thorough inspection os each device, controls, radiator system, and transformer accessories. A detailed report is submitted highlighting the current condition of the transformer and the need for replacement of accessories, so there is a clear idea of the refurbishment work that will be conducted.
Our Team at Tate Electricals is adept with handling both aged transformers [which runs a high risk of breakdown] as well as complete refurbishment. All our refurbishment work of the distribution transformer includes
Tate Electricals has pioneered transformer manufacturer. We are focused on maximizing the cost-effective, reliable life of your high voltage equipment. To remain competitive in today’s economy, organization needs reliable, low-cost and uninterrupted power.
© 2021 Tate Electricals